Have you been keeping up with your Physical Education?

Question of The Day:
Have you been keeping up with your Physical Education?

For many of us, Phys Ed was our favorite period of the school day when we were kids — a session where we could get out of the confines of classrooms, and expend all that overflowing energy that we had to contain as we sat quietly at our desks.

What has happened since? How is it that the idea of getting up and moving our bodies — also known as "working out" these days — has become something of a dreadful chore to so many of us?

It's natural that some readers may not remember Phys Ed classes as fondly. But they may be thinking about the classes where we had to run laps around the track, or having to participate in sports that we didn't enjoy or excel at.

But that's not the true essence of Physical Education. If we had to sum up the essence of Phys Ed into one word, then it would be "Play".

Have you seen a child who's not excited to get up and move (when they're not exhausted from too much moving)? Even if we had to go back in time to when we were three, when we learned to run or jump for the first time, the fact is that we were all (yes including you, dear reader!) once excited to "get up and move". Because to kids, movement meant play — and they can never get enough play.

Somewhere along the way, as we aged, movement was no longer play. Movement became work! The same reason why some of us see “working out” as a chore, is the same reason why some of us don't have fond memories of Phys Ed. Working out shouldn't have to be about logging laps around the track, or being good at a sport to enjoy it. Working out can simply be “play”.

All of us should be able to enjoy the beautiful gift of movement. Phys Ed doesn't start at school — it starts not long after we're born, when we first start exploring movement, by learning to crawl. There's no reason why Phys Ed should end in school either! We're all students of life, and Phys Ed is just one of the mandatory classes. A fun, lifelong one.

If you feel you have been neglecting your Phys Ed since graduating from school, we have two assignments for you:

  1. Start a new hobby that can keep you active. You don't have to be a sports enthusiast or fitness junkie to enjoy a sporty hobby. Do something fun! How about dancing? Nobody's watching at home. Go on YouTube and search for dance tutorials, and become the undisputed number one dancer in your household.

  2. Tweak your environment at home. Are there any adjustments you can make so that it encourages more movement in your day-to-day? Here's an example. We leave a few mats, a foam roller, and a resistance band in a small corner of our living room. It may not look as "clean", but it reduces our resistance to stretch it out, since the space is already set up for it.

Don't forget to complete your homework; happy moving!

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Lots of love,
Glo & HL


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